Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 5 Social Justice

Week 5 Social Justice

Q MUSIC ASSIGNMENT: Please see the three steps below and complete by Thursday, 3/4 before midnight. 1) Listen to this NPR story about Emmanuel Jal: to an external site. 2) Listen to this song by Jal: to an external site. 3) Submit 3 comments on Jal: • What do you find notable about Emmanuel Jal's persuit and use of music? • How would you describe his impact as an artist? • How would you describe his music? What are you hearing? 4) Submit a link to piece of music with that addresses a social justice issue. • This will be an artist that you select. It can be a piece of music you already know/love or something you have just discovered for this assignment. 5) Submit the following comments about the music/artist you selected: • Who is the artist, where are they from, what year was this piece created? • What issue is the artist addressing? 6) Be prepared to share and discuss your piece of music on Friday, 3/5.

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Emmanuel Jal’s story was a heartfelt account to how his life was turned upside down in Sudan. Sudan is in Northeast Africa . When he was eight years old, he was subjected to being dragged into fighting a civil war. He was lucky to escape, out of 200-300 people, only 16 survived. A British Aid worker named, Emma McCune, smuggled him into Africa and put him into school. Due to his ard upbringing, he is writing music and continues to be a peace activist. Emmanual’s impact as an artist is huge.